- "Kia is owned by general motors. Holdens are just rebadged Kias" he said. GM bought Daewoo. Some of the cars are Daewoos, not all of them.
- "Come and take a look at this Echo" he said while pointing at a Yaris.
- "I read newspapers and magazines" he said. I read magazines and news papers too and they are not saying what you are.
- "[insert celebrebrity here] could afford to buy a Lamborgini but he bought this car instead" he said. Have you heard that about a $20000 car before?
- "You can ring up my wife's aunty's sister in law's cousin and he will tell you that what I am saying is right" he said. Who is actullay going to ring up this third party?
- "I build and race cars so I know what I am talking about" he said. If he is such a fantastic racer, why does he need to have a day job selling cars?
He said many more things as well because we were there for half an hour. My advice is to just to do research on the internet before you go and bring someone who save you if you get sucked in.